Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cesarean Procedure

What is a cesarean section?

A cesarean section, or c-section, is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus. In certain circumstances, a c-section is scheduled in advance. In others, it's done in response to an unforeseen complication.

Why Do Some Women Consider Cesarean Delivery More Advantageous And In Keeping With The 21st century?

A cesarean section is a modern way to have a baby, involving the use of technology
Modern technology features highly in our daily lives. We are at ease with it and find it reassuring. The latest and most up-to-date technological equipment is much prized and sought after in all areas of our lives.

A cesarean section is a medical operation
Birth is currently seen as a medical event as it usually takes place in hospital. Is a cesarean operation not therefore a logical conclusion to pregnancy for women of this millennium?

A Cesarean Section Can Be Scheduled
Few of us can get through a day in our modern world without a watch and a diary. Our daily lives are ruled by time and by carefully planned appointments. Choosing the date of the baby’s birthday has considerable appeal in this context for some women. We have become accustomed to leading our daily lives in a way that pays little heed to the natural flow of events. For example, modern technology allows us, in many respects, to disregard the divisions of night and day or the seasons of the year.

A Cesarean Section Is Quick In Comparison To Most Labors
We live in an age when the quicker something can be achieved the more advantageous it is perceived to be – whether this is making a cup of instant coffee, washing the laundry, travelling from a to b, or sending a communication. In our society time is money.

A Cesarean Section Is Perceived As Pain-Free
The operation is carried out under anesthetic and therefore there are no pains of labor to be endured. The “wake me up when it’s all over” scenario appeals to many women.

A Cesarean Section Avoids The Need For A Baby To Make The Journey Through The Birth Canal
Many women worry about how something as large as a baby could possibly fit through such a small opening. Some women fear the baby may be ‘squashed’ and damaged in the process.

A Cesarean Section Is Clean
The antiseptic nature of the operating theater is very different from the physical exertion of labor. No sweat and tears. The mess of amniotic fluid and blood is dealt with out of sight. Urine is catheterized. There are no lumps of poo emerging from the rectum, pushed out by the baby’s head as it journey’s down the vagina. Is this not more in keeping with our aseptic society?

A Cesarean Section Is Clinical
…and therein perhaps lies its biggest attraction. A planned cesarean section avoids the necessity for the many probings of the vagina, which have become routine during what is termed ‘normal’ birth today. A woman can more easily maintain a degree of professionalism and detachment in her relationship with her carers since the private areas of her body are left unmolested and unsullied.