Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pregnancy: CS Procedure vs. Vaginal Delivery

If you are a pregnant woman or will be one someday, which will you prefer; give birth through a complicated procedure or just through a normal delivery? But you should know first the difference between these two procedures we're talking about.

Pregnancy is a very serious matter for a woman's life. She will carry a baby in her womb for 9 months until it is completely developed and ready to see the world and live. But of course, there are common symptoms felt by a pregnant woman to know that she is really pregnant. Like missing period, vomiting, head aching, changing of breast and weight, getting tired easily or the feeling of unusual fatigue, and the famous symptom of pregnancy, morning sickness. But because the early symptoms of pregnancy are often same with what happens right before and during menstruation, those symptoms aren't always recognized. However, there are some weird pregnancy facts

Now, if a pregnant woman is getting to give birth to her baby, she will undergo to either a vaginal delivery or to what we called cesarean procedure. What are the difference between these two ways of giving birth? Actually, these are both complicated. According to Mrs. Ruth, a registered midwife in Taguig City, and also undergone through a cesarean procedure to her 3 kids, vaginal delivery is just a normal way of giving birth. It just becomes complicated if there are some complications detected between the baby and the mother. Examples of those complications according to her are: When the umbilical cord looped around the baby's neck, when the fatal heart rate or rhythm of the baby is not normal, when the baby is pre-mature, also, if the mother's age is older than the normal or usual age of a pregnant woman (25-30 years old). 

The baby has just delivered through normal procedure

Mrs. Ruth also said that vaginal or normal delivery also depends on how long will a mother take labor. If it took so long, the mother will refer to the hospital. She also told me that a mother who is going to give birth to her first baby should be taken to the hospital and not to a lying-in or health center, and will be referred to a doctor to avoid unnecessary mistakes for the safety of the mother and her baby.

On the other hand, if a woman's vagina is too small, and the baby cannot be delivered through it, the midwife or the doctor will decide to have a cesarean procedure or also called c-section. Women in past generation have no choice if they are not possible to a vaginal birth, but death. But because of our modern technology today and the critical mind of the people, cesarean procedure becomes one of the alternative solutions to give birth in other way, and to avoid choosing between life and death.

Doctors are getting the baby out directly from the mother's womb

Unlike vaginal delivery or such complicated vaginal birth, cesarean procedure costs much, because of the tools being used, time, sacrifice, and effort spent just to make it successful. It's also directly taking out the baby from a mother's womb, not from her vagina.

Moreover, according to Mrs. Ruth, those women who give birth through CS recover not so fast because of the wound in their tummies caused by the cut, either vertical or horizontal. They need to take some rest for a month to recover completely. 

CS procedure and vaginal delivery both help women to give birth to their babies normally and successfully depends on their condition. Both are complicated. Both cost money. But what important is, a mother will be able to give birth and see her baby as the best gift to her for the sacrifice she has done.